Whether you are considering disposing of just one piece of plant or an entire factory, we can offer advice to assist you in the most cost effective way of maximising value.
If you have a small quantity of assets, these can be included in one of our collective auctions held at our Bradford auction facility. We can arrange transportation to our premises should there be an urgent need for you to free up space or alternatively, they can be included in a relevant auction but remain on your premises until sold, where they can then be collected by the purchaser.
As we use Bidspotter as our auction platform, we have access to over 300,000 buyers providing you with the best auction realisations.
If you would like to arrange for one of our team to visit your trading premises or require a desktop appraisal of your assets, please complete the form providing as much relevant information, and if possible, photographs. We promise to reply with our recommendations within 24 hours. All enquiries are treated with the utmost confidentiality.